
You can bring hope to the hopeless

PLM offers men an opportunity to become the men that God designed them to be without any cost to them. Promise Land Ministries receives no federal or state support. We operate the ministry entirely on the provision of God through gifts from local charities, churches and friends like you. Your gift will help give these men access to The Truth that can set them free from the bondage of addiction.

Your donation to Promise Land Ministries is secure
through PayPal.


If the Lord has prompted you to offer a gift to Promise Land Ministries, thank you!

If you prefer to mail your gift, mail to:
Promise Land Ministries
Attention, Bill Manning
573 Weeks Rd.
Ellijay, GA. 30540

2 Corinthians 9:7

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.