
In their own words…

“I came to Promise Land because the courts made me and at first I wanted to run. But after a while, I saw men that I admired and looked up to. I’m more of a watcher than a talker. This opened my mind to the truth of how Jesus worked and I began to think that I could change the way I was thinking. Now I think clearly and have much better judgement.”

J. York
PLM Graduate

“God does perform miracles and he uses Promise Land sometimes to  carry out those miracles. And it didn’t happen overnight. I just didn’t wake up and I was healed from drug addiction. It was a lot of hard work and a lot of want to. And it was all from God. I am forever grateful for Promise Land Ministries. I can truly say they saved my life!”

T. Davis
PLM Graduate

“At a time in my life when I was completely hopeless and had nothing to live for and nowhere to go,  Promise Land Ministries took me in. I was literally loved back to life by the men and women of PLM, who I believe with all of my heart are truly servants of JESUS CHRIST. I’m living proof of the miracles GOD can do and is continuing to do at PLM”

D. Dempsey
PLM Graduate

Donate to the Ministry

You can bring hope to the hopeless

PLM offers men an opportunity to become the men that God designed them to be without any cost to them. Promise Land Ministries receives no federal or state support. We operate the ministry entirely on the provision of God through gifts from local charities, churches and friends like you. Your gift will help give these men access to The Truth that can set them free from the bondage of addiction.