What We Do

Offering a faith-based approach for men seeking freedom from addiction


Our mission here at Promise Land Ministries is to offer a faith-based approach to substance abuse treatment for men seeking freedom from the bondage of addiction. We provide a safe, structured and supportive environment where men have the opportunity to discover a Biblical truth that will allow them to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. The Bible contains the keys to living a clean and sober life and we explore these truths vigorously. Thanks to the providence of our Heavenly Father, the willingness of our men to work and the support of our friends, we provide our services completely free of charge.

Donate to the Ministry

You can bring hope to the hopeless

PLM offers men an opportunity to become the men that God designed them to be without any cost to them. Promise Land Ministries receives no federal or state support. We operate the ministry entirely on the provision of God through gifts from local charities, churches and friends like you. Your gift will help give these men access to The Truth that can set them free from the bondage of addiction.