Who We Serve

A Faith based approach to substance abuse and addiction

The Men

The men we serve have all come to the conclusion that they no longer want to live in the bondage of addiction. They must come to the realization that they cannot be the men God designed them to be outside of an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Here at the ministry, they step off of the wide path that leads to destruction and, through our program of scripture, structure and service, step onto the narrow way to success.

The Families

Many of our residents have caused serious damage not only to themselves, but also to their families. When these men step away from their self destructive behavior and into a relationship with Jesus Christ, they not only begin to heal themselves but also rebuild damaged relationships with their families. We encourage families to visit every Sunday.

The Community

At the heart of Promise Land Ministries is a Biblical commitment to serve others. For the first six months of residency our men work to support each other and the ministry by serving the Ellijay community. Through our three charity partners in Gilmer County, our men work to help break the self centered nature of addiction by serving others rather than themselves.

Matthew 25:40

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’